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Well yesterday was all about letting go!Making way for progress. This all happening on a birthday that's got a big number involved.

The letting go came on the part of both me and my brother, so that we could make big steps in our lives to move forward.
My brothers' big moment came when early yesterday he decided to go for the full skin head look. Yep he shaved it all off. Doesn't sound like much, until you are to realize how much the prospect of loosing his hair has tormented him for years. Deciding to let things be & to brave whatever comments come his way in the future, the long hair came right off, n none spared. From my point of view, of someone who's seen him in times of crisis it is an incredibly BRAVE! surge forward. To be so conscious of something for so long and worry about it until life is in the grip of anxiety is a terrible thing. What an amazing step forward though. I hope that in the near future he'll come to realize this.

For me, well i let go of an old dream. A fun hobby that turned into an obsession. As of yesterday (it's past 12 now) my motocross bike is on eBay and up for sale to the highest bidder. It marks the end of dreaming and the end of the bitterness that i left the racing world with. I can't say that i'll never think about racing & the what ifs, but in time i'll let go and stop hanging on to dream that i won't ever reach.

The final part of this post is that this all happened on my grannies 89th Birthday. To me the 89 is a big number, but she seems happy as usual
turning every passing minute into fun and happiness. She is the most inspirational person in my life & seeing her today made everything seem great!

This post is far from a negative one. It signifies change and in turn sparks optimism at the highest levels!

I found your blog inspiring. I know (at least I have an idea) of what a huge step this is Chris, both for you and your brother.

And you're right, this is a positive - moving forward, knowing that things change.

This really does sound like a big step. Congratulations for making it. I'm sure you will look back at times, and there's nothing wrong with that, provided you do it from a strong point of view.

And the way to do that is to make sure you replace what you've given up with something else - a job, an activity, caring for someone - so that you don't sit around feeling empty.

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