Trying to get in the Christmas spirit seems to be getting harder and harder each year. It certainly doesn't seem to be as easy as the movies make it look. Our house is completely dormant so far as Christmas lights and spirit go, if it wasn't cold and dark you wouldn't think it was anywhere near Xmas. Even with the lights up everywhere it just doesn't feel the same, but i gather that's just getting older. However just because i'm not in the Christmas spirit i'm gonna put all the lights up anyway just to annoy the old man and bro. I do think however that if only it would snow before instead of after Christmas i might feel better. As usual though it will snow in march and then i'll say "It feels like Xmas" n someone else will say, "you've got another nine months to wait till then." So really i could do with finding a way now in order to get me feeling great for Christmas day. Who knows though maybe the whisky will do it!
A bit of community singing is what you need. In fact it's what we all need. Defo makes the difference! And a walk in the cold air - that's a good idea too - and making paper chains, erm maybe some mince pies, Christmas cake, any cake in fact. I'll keep thinking. Let it snow, let snow, let it snow.
Posted by emma | 11:45 AM
not sure if you like it, but I find having a pre-christmas portion (or two) of Xmas pud helps - with plenty of custard. I've already near enough demolished a whole one already - Txxx
PS I agree with Emma's comment about "any cake"
Posted by tone the blueshawk | 3:50 PM